
从 2019 开始,帖子转入谷歌的 BLOGSPOT。从BBS开始,我已经“玩死”了好几个社交平台。希望 BLOGSPOT 能坚持下去。

以后的帖子都会发到 https://chaojidigua.blogspot.com 。在 G+ 只发链接。












很奇怪,俺听到的版本并未就此结束。据说这段对话发生在一个大礼堂里,当时罗素在做讲演。老妇人说完以后,听众哄堂大笑。老太婆等笑声停下来,毅然开始反击:“你们觉得乌龟驮乌龟很好笑是吗?要我说,什么大地是一个球,上不着天下不着地,浮在真空里, 这种说法更可笑!!! "




霍金在《时间简史》的开篇讲了一个故事:据说罗素在讲完地球如何绕太阳运动,太阳如何绕银河系中心转动后,有一位老妇人站起来说:“你说的这些都是鬼扯。这个世界实际上是驮在一只大乌龟背上的一块平板。” 罗素问道:“那这只乌龟是站在什么上面的呢?” “你很聪明,年轻人,” 老妇人说,“不过,这是一只驮着一只一直驮下去的乌龟群啊!”






很多年前听到 SPACEX 发射的消息,心中暗暗好笑:一个年轻的暴发户,杀入高科技火箭发射行业,却不料这不但极端困难,而且早已是红海。明摆着死路一条。


然后,我的左脸就被 ELON 打肿了。

再往后是特斯拉汽车。按照我的计算,锂电池的能量密度至少需要提高50%甚至100%,电动汽车才具备基本可能性。如果一辆车 1.8 吨,电池 700 公斤,如何能够和具备百年历史和经验,各方面极度优化的内燃车竞争?更何况,电池贵得要死。


两年前,看到 ELON MUSK 创立隧道挖掘公司,号称可以在地下挖几十层甚至几百层。



1. 因为比传统隧道的直径小很多,压力并不大。

2. 地震对隧道的影响微乎其微。

3. 电动马达(托盘车)不消耗氧气,所以对氧气需求量很小。又因为电动马达的可靠性非常高,出问题的概率很小。

4. 如果够深,就没什么建筑垃圾。都是岩石而已。

5. 小隧道挖掘速度非常快,比传统挖掘机快至少20倍,而且可以实现铺设一体化(地面是铁轨),所以成本低。

这个两年前才创建的挖掘公司,ELON 只投入了一亿美元,现在的估值已经接近160亿美元(如果第一个项目成功)。

ELON 在我的要害又狠狠补了一脚!

ELON MUSK 的存在就是为了羞辱我的智商吗?!



The Boring Company gets approval for tunnel-linked residential garage concept
By Simon Alvarez, September 13th, 2018

The Boring Company was recently granted an approval from the city council of Hawthorne to construct a private, prototype garage directly connected to one of its high-speed tunnels. The parcel of land that would house the futuristic garage is located close to SpaceX’s headquarters, on 120th St. near Prairie Avenue.

Hawthorne’s city council approved the proposal on Tuesday night, with the members unanimously giving the project their approval. Unlike the company’s other proof-of-concept projects, such as its test tunnel under SpaceX headquarters and the upcoming Dugout Loop which would connect to the Dodgers Stadium, the prototype garage would not be opened to the public. Thus, no commuter vehicles would be moving in and out of the garage from the street.

The design of the prototype, tunnel-connected garage is quite straightforward. Cars would enter the tunnel from the SpaceX campus itself, move through the tunnel, onto the prototype garage, and then back to the SpaceX facility. The Boring Company plans to adopt this testing system in order to avoid causing additional traffic on the street. In a statement to Mercury News, Boring Company representative Jane Labanowski noted that the prototype garage concept would be an essential part of the tunneling startup’s vision for the future.

“It’s an important part of the longer-term vision the company is trying to build,” she said.

Just like the Boring Company’s other tunneling projects, the vehicles that would be transported from the SpaceX headquarters and into the prototype garage would be traveling through the startup’s electric skates. The electric skates use Hyperloop technology, and are expected to facilitate high-speed transportation from the tunnels to the proposed prototype garage.

Apart from its futuristic garage, The Boring Company has also earned an approval on Wednesday for a short, separate spur from its existing tunnel that would help the company retrieve its boring machine. In conventional tunneling projects, some of a tunnel boring machine’s expensive components, such as its cutting head, are buried underground after a project is done due to the high cost of its retrieval. Considering that the Boring Company appears to have found a way to extricate all the components of its tunnel boring machine, the company has pretty much taken a step forward in its efforts to build a tunnel that is low-cost and sturdy.

While the Boring Company is a young tunneling startup that is more well-known for its clever and unique merchandise (such as Elon Musk’s Not-a-Flamethrower), the company is actually involved in a high-profile project. Earlier this year, The Boring Company managed to win the contract for the downtown Chicago-O’Hare high-speed transport system, beating out larger conglomerates who were also bidding on the project. If the Boring Company is successful in the Chicago-O’Hare project, Berenberg analyst Alexander Haissl noted that the tunneling startup could be worth as much as $16 billion.

The Boring Company gets approval for tunnel-linked residential garage concept

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正确姿势: 价值投资,套利,概率,趋势 常见陷阱: 直觉,历史轮回,讲故事,高频交易 1. 价值投资 一般的理解是这样的: 买入一家好公司的股票,然后长期持有。 错。 你怎么知道一家公司是好公司,而且在未来 N 年里都是好公司? 你不知道。你只是在赌自己的运气。 这不是价值投资。...